Your capability to move around and accomplish tasks may become affected by old age, illness, or disability. When this happens to you or your loved one, you may benefit from the Personal Care services that we provide at Home Care of Philadelphia.
Taking your unique needs and situation into consideration, we can provide a broad range of personal care services such as, but not limited to:
- Assistance with Bathing
- Assistance with Dressing
- Assistance with Grooming
- Assistance with Toileting
- Assistance with Mobility
- Assistance with Meal Preparation
- Assistance with Transferring/Positioning
- Assistance with Transportation
- And more
Personal care may feel too intimate and some might hesitate to ask for help. However, we want to assure you that our caregivers are very compassionate individuals who will respect your privacy, dignity, and they will do their best to help you maintain your independence.
Schedule an Assessment now and allow us to evaluate your personal care needs. For other concerns, you can contact us at 215-941-7370.